详细介绍: Z73X手动浆液阀分对夹式和整体式,对夹式阀体密封采用复合材料配置的“U"型和“T"型复合结构。整体式阀体密封采用“O"型复合密封圈结构,克服了原对夹式浆液阀采用“U"型密封垫http://zgyyaqf.jdzj.com/受力后易移位和变形,介质外泄等缺点。
Z73X manual slurry valve points wafer and monolithic, wafer body sealing with composite material configuration "U" type and "T" type composite structure. Monolithic body sealing adopt the "O" type composite seal structure, overcome the original wafer slurry valve adopt the "U" type gasket stress easily after shift and deformation of the disadvantages such as leakage of medium. |