PET是乳白色或前黄色高度结晶性的聚合物,表面平滑而有光泽。耐蠕变、抗疲劳性、耐摩擦和尺寸稳定性好,磨耗小而硬度高,具有热塑性塑料中的韧性;电绝缘性能好,受温度影响小,但耐电晕性较差。无毒、耐气候性、抗化学药品稳定性好,吸水率低,耐弱酸和有机溶剂,但不耐热水浸泡,不耐碱。 PET树脂的玻璃化温度较高,结晶速度慢,模塑周期长,成型周期长,成型收缩率大,尺寸稳定性差,结晶化的成型呈脆性,耐热性低等。 通过成核剂以及结晶剂和玻璃纤维增强的改进,PET除了具有PBT的性质外,还有以下的特点: 1. 热变形温度和长期使用温度是热塑性通用工程塑料中的; 2. 因为耐热高,增强PET在250℃的焊锡浴中浸渍10s,几乎不变形也不变色,特别适合制备锡焊的电子、电器零件; 3. 弯曲强度200MPa,弹性模量达4000MPa,耐蠕变及疲劳性也很好,表面硬度高,机械性能与热固性塑料相近; 4.由于生产PET所用乙二醇比生产PBT所用丁二醇的价格几乎便宜一半,所以PET树脂和增强PET是工程塑料中价格是最低的,具有很高的性价比。 应用 PET主要用于纤维,少量用于薄膜和工程塑料。PET纤维主要用于纺织工业
杜邦PET Rynite同系列型号介绍
Rynite FR515 BK507 15% Glass reinforced,V-0 at 0.8 mm (0.031 inch)
Rynite FR515 NC010 15% Glass reinforced,V-0 at 0.8 mm (0.031 inch)
Rynite FR530 BK507 30% Glass reinforced,flame retardant, black, modified PET recognized by UL as UL94V-0 at 0.35mm.
Rynite FR530 NC010 30% Glass reinforced,flame retardant, modified PET approved by UL as UL94V-0 @ 0.35mm.
Rynite FR530L NC010 30% Glassreinforced, flame retardant, lubricated, modified PET recognized by UL asUL94V-0 at 0.35mm.
Rynite 935 BK505 35% Mica/glassreinforced modified PET with exceptionally low warpage, excellent electricalproperties, high stiffness, and high heat resistance.
Rynite 935 NC010 35% Mica/glassreinforced modified PET with exceptionally low warpage, excellent electricalproperties, high stiffness, and high heat resistance.
Rynite 935SUV BK593 35% Glassfiber/mineral reinforced, UV stabilized, modified polyethylene terephthalateresin with low warpage
Rynite 940 BK505 40% Glass/mineralreinforced
Rynite FR945 BK507 45% Glass/mineralreinforced, V-0 at 0.031 inch
Rynite FR945 NC010 45% Glass/mineralreinforced, V-0 at 0.031 inch
Rynite RE5231 BK533 35% Glass/micareinforced
Rynite 530HTE BK503 30% Glass reinforcedproduct with excellent high temperature dielectric properties
Rynite 530HTE NC010 30% Glass reinforcedproduct with excellent high temperature dielectric properties
Rynite 408 BK515 Toughened, 30% glassreinforced
Rynite 408 NC010 Toughened, 30% glassreinforced
Rynite 415HP BK503 15% Glass reinforcedmodified PET improved for easy, fast processing over a broad molding range withexcellent balance of strength, stiffness, and temperature resistance
Rynite 415HP NC010 15% Glass reinforcedmodified PET improved for easy, fast processing over a broad molding range withexcellent balance of strength, stiffness, and temperature resistance
Rynite SST35 BK503 Toughened, 35% glassreinforced
Rynite SST35 NC010 Toughened, 35% glassreinforced
Rynite 515CS BK575M 15% Glassreinforced, color stable
Rynite 530 BK503 30% Glass reinforced
Rynite 530 NC010 30% Glass reinforced
Rynite 540SUV BK544 40% Glass fiberreinforced, UV stabilized, modified polyethylene terephthalate resin forinjection molding and extrusion, developed for outdoor applications requiringhigh stiffness.
Rynite 545 BK504 45% Glass reinforced
Rynite 545 NC010 45% Glass reinforced
Rynite 830ER BK503 30% Glass reinforced
Rynite 830ER NC010 30% Glass reinforced
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