详细介绍: 德国FOERSTER磁导率和磁场强度测量仪MAGNETOMAT 1.782特性:
• 电脑控制磁通门磁强计
• 测量绝对或梯度磁通密度
• 探头用于相对磁导率μr的测量,
符合IEC60404-15和ASTM A342M标准
• 多通道探头排列
• 单值或连续测量
• 触发接口
• 数据采集和后处理软件
• 数据库概念和数据传输接口
德国FOERSTER磁导率和磁场强度测量仪MAGNETOMAT 1.782参数:
0.1 nT 到 1 mT
µr 1.0 到 2.0
24 Bit ADC
≤ 20 到 500 pT/√Hz@1Hz
+10 ... +28 VDC
130 x 187 x 100 mm (L x B x H)
0.5 kg
-25 C ... +50 °C
MAGNETOMAT® 1.782 sensor electronics (desktop type)
uElectronics including RS 232 PC interface
u Ports S1 and S2 to link two identical probes type A
u Port S1 to link one probe type B or permeability probe
u Port 3-A to link 1-Axis miniaturized sensor
u Power supply 12 – 24 VDC
u Socket „TRIG“ as trigger input (connector supplied)
1-Axis-Probes Type A, up to 2 identical probes per sensor electronics
Field and gradient probe pair
Flexible arranged probe pair for determination of absolute magnetic field or gradient, depending on orientation of the probe elements
Additional mounting device required for proper fixture and alignment of the sensor elements
Differential probe
Probe with coaxially at 100 mm distance arranged sensor elements, for detection larger magnetic anomalies
Axis-Probes, Type B, 1 probe per sensor electronics
Micro field probe, axial
Probe with axially arranged sensor elements, for field detection with high spatial resolution
Micro field probe, transversal
Probe with transversal arranged sensor elements, for field detection with high spatial resolution
Point pole probe
Probe with coaxially at 20 mm distance arranged sensor elements, for detection of fields emerging from a component perpendicular to the surface
Micro differential probe
Probe with parallel arranged sensor elements,for detection of field gradients with high spatial resolution
Permeability probe
Probe with integrated permanent magnet for determination of relative magnetic permeability μr in the range 1.0 … 2.0.
Probe with ten times higher sensitivity (for μr < 1.05 static use recommended)
For precise measurement the probe must be set on a plane surface, dimension of test specimen must be same size of calibration standard or larger
Probe with integrated permanent magnet for determination of relative magnetic permeability μr in the range 1.0 … 2.0.
Probe with ten times higher sensitivity (for μr < 1.05 static use recommended)
For precise measurement the probe must be set on a plane surface, dimension of test specimen must be same size of calibration standard or larger