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FMA2711不锈钢质量流量计 美国omega放大图片

产品价格:1   元(人民币)
发货地:深圳  (发货期:当天内发货)


价格:1人民币/件规格:FMA2711不锈钢质量流量计 美国omega

简要说明:美国omega牌的FMA2711不锈钢质量流量计 美国omega产品:估价:1,规格:FMA2711不锈钢质量流量计 美国omega,产品系列编号:FMA2711不锈钢质量流量计 美国omega



FMA2711不锈钢质量流量计 美国omega

FMA2700, FMA2800, FMA3700, FMA3800 Series
Power Supply Included

The FMA2700/FMA2800 Series Electronic Mass Flow meters and FMA3700/FMA3800 Mass Flow Controllers provide high flow measurement performance and versatility. Omega’s new inline series features a “flow-through” zero dead space design for quicker processing and lower contamination. Available with onboard display and wall mounted power supply, the inline series is ideal for laboratory and test applications. Compact, lightweight and economical, the FMA2700/FMA2800 Series Electronic Mass Flowmeters and FMA3700/FMA3800 Mass Flow Controllers are perfect for gas flow application which require and all stainless steel construction.
Accuracy: ±1% FS including linearity
Repeatability: ±0.15% FS or better
Turndown Ratio: 100:1
Response Time: 5 seconds
Gas Ambient Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Temperature Coefficient: 0.05% full scale per 1°C or better
Pressure Coefficient: 0.01% full scale per psi or better
Minimum Pressure Requirements:
Meters: 1 inch of H2O
Controllers ≤1 SLM: 1 psi
Controllers >20 SLM: 20 psi
Differential Pressure for Mass Flow Controllers:
<5 SLM, 5 to 50 psi standard
>5 SLM, 20 to 40 psi standard
Maximum Gas Pressure: 500 psig
Leak Integrity: 1 x 10-6 cc/min of He or better
Wetted Parts: 316 and 17-4 SS with FKM O-rings
Gas Connections: 1/4" compression fitting
Electrical Connection: 9-pin sub-D connector
Control Signal: Integral or 0 to 5 Vdc
Control Valve: Electromagnetic, normally closed
Output Signal: Linear 0 to 5 Vdc, 1000 Ω min load, 4 to 20 mA, 500 &Omega loop resistance
Input Power:
Meters: 24 Vdc @ 150 mA, 115 Vac, 220 Vac with AC adaptor
Controller: 24 Vdc @ 300 mA, 115 Vac, 220 Vac with AC adaptor
Dimensions: 152.4 H x 83.5 W x 25.4 mm D (6.00 x 3.29 x 1.00")
Weight: 1.57 kg (1.25 lb) with power supply

Flowmeters with Displays
FMA2701 10 cc/min max flow
FMA2702 20 cc/min max flow
FMA2703 50 cc/min max flow
FMA2704 100 cc/min max flow
FMA2705 200 cc/min max flow
FMA2706 500 cc/min max flow
FMA2707 1 LPM max flow
FMA2708 2 LPM max flow
FMA2709 5 LPM max flow
FMA2710 10 LPM max flow
FMA2711 15 LPM max flow
FMA2712 20 LPM max flow
Flowmeters without Displays
FMA2801 10 cc/min max flow
FMA2802 20 cc/min max flow
FMA2803 50 cc/min max flow
FMA2804 100 cc/min max flow
FMA2805 200 cc/min max flow
FMA2806 500 cc/min max flow
FMA2807 1 LPM max flow
FMA2808 2 LPM max flow
FMA2809 5 LPM max flow
FMA2810 10 LPM max flow
FMA2811 15 LPM max flow
FMA2812 20 LPM max flow
Controller with Displays
FMA3701 10 cc/min max flow
FMA3702 20 cc/min max flow
FMA3703 50 cc/min max flow
FMA3704 100 cc/min max flow
FMA3705 200 cc/min max flow
FMA3706 500 cc/min max flow
FMA3707 1 LPM max flow
FMA3708 2 LPM max flow
FMA3709 5 LPM max flow
FMA3710 10 LPM max flow
FMA3711 15 LPM max flow
FMA3712 20 LPM max flow
Controllers without Displays
FMA3801 10 cc/min max flow
FMA3802 20 cc/min max flow
FMA3803 50 cc/min max flow
FMA3804 100 cc/min max flow
FMA3805 200 cc/min max flow
FMA3806 500 cc/min max flow
FMA3807 1 LPM max flow
FMA3808 2 LPM max flow
FMA3809 5 LPM max flow
FMA3810 10 LPM max flow
FMA3811 15 LPM max flow
FMA3812 20 LPM max flow
FMA-200PWA Replacement socket plug-in power supply for 90 to 260 Vac

注释: Comes complete with operator's manual, 9-pin sub-D connector, power supply and NIST calibration. (No Data Points).
For a no charge 5-point NIST certificate, add suffix "-NIST5" to model number.
For a 10-point NIST certificate add suffix "-NIST10" to model number, add $125 to price.

 FMA2711不锈钢质量流量计 美国omega 


FMA-1603A-B流量计 美国omega

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