详细说明 |
品牌:曼彻特 | 产地:英国 | 价格:电议人民币/千克 | 规格:ER308LCF焊丝 ER308L | 简要说明: 曼彻特牌的销售英国曼彻特ER308LCF焊丝 进口ER308L焊丝报价产品:估价:电议,规格:ER308LCF焊丝 ER308L,产品系列编号:齐全 | |  | | 详细介绍: 英国曼彻特ER308LCF焊丝 ER308L焊丝
DetailsElectrode to match 6Mo stainless steel> DetailsSMAW2205XKS22%Cr Duplex basic electrode> DetailsSMAW25.20 SUPER RRutile electrode for 310 stainless steel> DetailsElectrode for 310L stainless steel> DetailsSMAW2507 XKS25%Cr Superduplex basic Electrode> DetailsSMAW29.9 SUPER R29.9 electrode for dissimilar weld metal> DetailsSMAWARMET 1Stainless electrode for armour plate> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 1Creep resisting 1CrMo (P11) electrode> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 1 VAC PACKCreep resisting 1CrMo (P11) Vac Pack> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 10MWElectrode for E911 CrMo Steels> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 12MVElectrode for 12CrMoV creep resist steel> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 1LLow carbon 1CrMo (P11) electrode> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 1VCrMoV ELECTRODE> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 1X1CrMo electrode with TER for P11 steels> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 2Creep resisting> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 2 VAC PACKCreep resisting 2CrMo (P22) Vac Pack> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 23LElectrode for type T23 steels> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 2LCrMo creep resisting(P22) electrode> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 2X2CrMo Electrode with TER for P22 steels> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 5Creep resisting 5CrMo electrode> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 9Creep resisting 9CrMo electrode> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 9-B9Mod 9CrMo (P91) AWS Conforming Electrode> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 9-B9 (450MM)Mod 9CrMo (P91) AWS Conforming Electrode> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 91VNBMod 9CrMo (P91) Rooting electrode> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 92Mod 9CrMo (P92) electrode> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 9MV-NMod 9CrMo (P91) AWS and EN Conforming> DetailsSMAWCHROMET 9MVN+Mod 9CrMo (P91) AWS and EN conforming> DetailsSMAWCHROMET WB2Electrode for creep resistant B2 steel> DetailsSMAWCI SOFT FLOW NIPure Ni electrode for cast iron> DetailsSMAWCI SPECIAL CAST NIFENiFe cast iron electrode> DetailsSMAWCI-MET NIFENiFe cast iron electrode bi-metal core> DetailsSMAWCOBSTEL 6Cobalt alloy 6 hardfacing electrode> DetailsSMAWCOBSTEL 8Cobalt alloy 8 hardfacing electrode> DetailsSMAWCUPROMET N3070.30 CuNi electrode> DetailsSMAWE10018-D2Low alloy MnMo electrode> DetailsSMAWE11018-MHigh strength Ni-Mo electrode> DetailsSMAWE16-8-2-15Basic Electrode for 300H Stainless> DetailsSMAWE320LR-15Stainless steel electrode for Alloy 20> DetailsSMAWE825L-15Electrode for alloy 28/825> DetailsSMAWE9018-D1Low alloy MnMo electrode> DetailsSMAWEPRI P87 (3/32')Nickel Base Electrode for CrMo Steels> DetailsSMAWFV520-1Electrode for FV520 base material> DetailsSMAWMET HARD 1050Cr carbide electrode for severe abrasion> DetailsSMAWMET HARD 350Hardfacing electrode 350HV> DetailsSMAWMET HARD 650Hardfacing electrode 650HV> DetailsSMAWMET HARD 650R160% recovery hardfacing electrode 650HV> DetailsSMAWMET HARD 750TSElectrode for high speed tool steel> DetailsSMAWMET HARD 850Cr carbide hardfacing electrode 850HV> DetailsSMAWMET HARD 950Cr carbide hardfacing electrode 950HV> DetailsSMAWMET MAX 307RHigh recovery 307 electrode> DetailsCreep resisting 0.5% Mo electrode> DetailsSMAWNILSILLow Si electrode for galvanising steels> DetailsSMAWNIMAX 182High recovery nickel base electrode> DetailsSMAWNIMAX B2LElectrode to match alloy B2> DetailsSMAWNIMAX CHigh recovery alloy C electrode> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 132KSNickel base electrode for alloy 600> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 182General purpose nickel base electrode> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 182KSGeneral purpose nickel base electrode> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 190Nickel base electrode for alloy 400> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 200TIPure nickel electrode for alloy 200> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 59KSAll positional electrode for alloy 59> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 617KSNickel base electrode for alloy 617> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 625Downhand Electrode for alloy 625> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 625KSAll positional electrode for alloy 625> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 657Special electrode for IN-657> DetailsSMAWNIMROD 690KSNickel Base Electrode for Alloy 690> DetailsSMAWNIMROD AKSAll positional electrode with Mo & Nb> DetailsSMAWNIMROD C22KSNickel base electrode for alloy C22> DetailsSMAWNIMROD C276Downhand Electrode for alloy C276> DetailsSMAWNIMROD C276KSAll positional electrode for alloy C276> DetailsSMAWRAILRODElectrode for Rail Welding> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 16.8.2Rutile Electrode for 300H Stainless> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 220522%Cr Duplex rutile electrode> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 2205 ARDuplex 22% Cr> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 2506CUElectrode for matching duplex castings> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 253MAElectrode for alloy 253MA> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 308LElectrode for 304L stainless steels> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 309LGeneral purpose 309L electrode> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 309MOGeneral purpose 309Mo electrode> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 316LGeneral purpose 316L electrode> DetailsSMAWSUPERMET 318General purpose 318 electrode> DetailsSMAWTHERMET 22HElectrode for alloy 22H stainless> DetailsSMAWTHERMET Heat resisting electrode to match CR39W> DetailsSMAWTHERMET 309CF309 electrode with controlled C/ferrite> DetailsSMAWTHERMET 310H310H electrode to match HK40> DetailsSMAWTHERMET High Carbon 35Cr-45Ni-1Nb electrode> DetailsSMAWTHERMET 800NBElectrode to match alloy 800> DetailsSMAWTHERMET HP40NBElectrode to match HP40Nb alloys> DetailsSMAWTHERMET HP50WCOElectrode for high C cast alloys> DetailsSMAWTHERMET R17.38HElectrode for high C 18/37 alloys> DetailsSMAWTUF-MET Low alloy 1% Ni electrode> DetailsSMAWTUF-MET 2% Nickel electrode> DetailsSMAWTUF-MET 3.5%Ni alloyed electrode> DetailsSMAWTUF-MET 3NIMOHigh