Q Q: 2779667078
如需购买ABB低压电气产品 OT25F4N2及了解产品详情,请于电话或QQ联系
隔离开关(16 - 3150 A) 、隔离开关熔断器组( 16 - 1250 A)、转换开关(16 - 2500 A),手动式双电源转换开关(160 - 1600 A)、凸轮开关 (10 - 315 A)、 附件、手动和电动操作开关。
适用于电机控制中心、开关柜等应用场合, 并可作为各种装置与机器的主开关。
M2SS2-42Y-01 10090010
M2SS2-42Y-02 10090025
M2SS2-42Y-10 10090006
M2SS2-42Y-11 10090015
M2SS2-42Y-20 10090020
M2SS3-42C-01 10090058
M2SS3-42C-02 10090073
M2SS3-42C-10 10090054
M2SS3-42C-11 10090063
M2SS3-42C-20 10090068
M2SS3-42G-01 10090055
M2SS3-42G-02 10090070
M2SS3-42G-10 10060185
M2SS3-42G-11 10090060
M2SS3-42G-20 10090065
M2SS3-42L-01 10090057
M2SS3-42L-02 10090072
M2SS3-42L-10 10090053
M2SS3-42L-11 10090062
M2SS3-42L-20 10090067
M2SS3-42R-01 10060184
M2SS3-42R-02 10090069
M2SS3-42R-10 10090051
M2SS3-42R-11 10090059
M2SS3-42R-20 10090064
M2SS3-42Y-01 10090056
M2SS3-42Y-02 10090071
M2SS3-42Y-10 10090052
M2SS3-42Y-11 10090061
M2SS3-42Y-20 10090066
M3SS1-42C-02 10089965
M3SS1-42C-11 10089957
M3SS1-42C-20 10089960
M3SS1-42G-02 10089962
M3SS1-42G-11 10089954
M3SS1-42G-20 10060187
M3SS1-42L-02 10089964
M3SS1-42L-11 10089956
M3SS1-42L-20 10089959
M3SS1-42R-02 10089961
M3SS1-42R-11 10089953
M3SS1-42R-20 10060186
M3SS1-42Y-02 10089963
M3SS1-42Y-11 10089955
M3SS1-42Y-20 10089958
M3SS2-42C-02 10089978
M3SS2-42C-11 10089970
M3SS2-42C-20 10089973
M3SS2-42G-02 10089975
M3SS2-42G-11 10089967
M3SS2-42G-20 10060189
M3SS2-42L-02 10089977
M3SS2-42L-11 10089969
M3SS2-42L-20 10089972
M3SS2-42R-02 10089974
M3SS2-42R-11 10089966
M3SS2-42R-20 10060188
M3SS2-42Y-02 10089976
M3SS2-42Y-11 10089968
M3SS2-42Y-20 10089971
M3SS3-42C-02 10089991
M3SS3-42C-11 10089983
M3SS3-42C-20 10089986
M3SS3-42G-02 10089988
M3SS3-42G-11 10089980
M3SS3-42G-20 10060191
M3SS3-42L-02 10089990
M3SS3-42L-11 10089982
M3SS3-42L-20 10089985
M3SS3-42R-02 10089987
M3SS3-42R-11 10089979
M3SS3-42R-20 10060190
M3SS3-42Y-02 10089989
M3SS3-42Y-11 10089981
M3SS3-42Y-20 10089984
M3SS5-60B-40 10108759
M3SS7-42C-02 10090004
M3SS7-42C-11 10089996
M3SS7-42C-20 10089999
M3SS7-42G-02 10090001
M3SS7-42G-11 10089993
M3SS7-42G-20 10060193
M3SS7-42L-02 10090003
M3SS7-42L-11 10089995
M3SS7-42L-20 10089998
M3SS7-42R-02 10090000
M3SS7-42R-11 10089992
M3SS7-42R-20 10060192
M3SS7-42Y-02 10090002
M3SS7-42Y-11 10089994
M3SS7-42Y-20 10089997
M3SS9-40B-20 10116163
MLBL-07G-48V 10152469
MLBL-07R-48V 10152468
MPET4-20R-03 10116164
M2SSK1-401-10 10060194
M2SSK1-601-22 10108760
M2SSK2-201-10 10103040
M2SSK2-202-10 10103041
M2SSK2-401-10 10103779
M2SSK2-601-02 10103045
M2SSK2-601-20 10103044
M2SSK3-401-10 10060195
M3SSK1-401-20 10060196
M3SSK2-601-02 10103043
M3SSK2-601-20 10103042
M3SSK3-401-20 10103901
M3SSK6-401-11 10077008
MA6-1045 Stop 10101392
CP9-1059 (Red) 10105162
KA2-2021 (Red) 10028338
KA2-2024(BLUE) 10083174
MA6-1044 Start 10101391
MA1-8128 (grey) 10086373
Membrane for PB 10103457
MP-9G (CNTHB-O) 10116698
CL-502G (100pcs) 10117602
CL-502R (100pcs) 10117601
CL-502Y (100pcs) 10117603
CL-515G (100pcs) 10117605
CL-515R (100pcs) 10117604
CL-515Y (100pcs) 10117606
CL-520G (100pcs) 10117608
CL-520R (100pcs) 10117607
CL-520Y (100pcs) 10117609
CL-523G (100pcs) 10117611
CL-523R (100pcs) 10117610
CL-523W (100pcs) 10117613
CL-523Y (100pcs) 10117612
CL-530G (100pcs) 10117615
CL-530R (100pcs) 10117614
CL-530Y (100pcs) 10117616
CP9-1006 (White) 10105161
CP9-1060 (Green) 10105163
CP9-1062 (Black) 10111672
KA2-2022 (Green) 10028340
M2SS2-10B (OTIS) 10113235
MT-105B (5 Kohm) 10111503
MT-205B (5 Kohm) 10111504
MT-305B (5 Kohm) 10111506
KA2-2023 (Yellow) 10028341
MA1-8053 (yellow) 10086372
MP-9G (CNTHB- I ) 10116697
MT-210B (10 Kohm) 10111505
MT-310B (10 Kohm) 10111507
Adaptor-for E-stop 10041229
CP11-10G-10 w/ "I" 10094485
CP13-10R-01 w/ "O" 10094486
Insert / Text = UP 10057951
Legend plate 高速轴制动 10111644
MP2-7008 (MP2-11W) 10055436
Legend plate 左 不偏 右 10111645
Bulb Ba15 115V AV/DC 10063640
Insert / Text = DOWN 10057952
Legend Plate (Blank) 10039303
Rubber membrane - PD 10091186
Insert / Text = START 10062141
Special LP/Text = 操作 10103656
Special LP/Text = 复位 10103660
Special LP/Text = 故障 10103661
Special LP/Text = 紧停 10103663
Special LP/Text = 启动 10103665
Special LP/Text = 停机 10103667
Special LP/Text = 维护 10103668
Special LP/Text = 运行 10103670
Special LP/Text = 准备 10103671
Mounting Tool MA1-8015 10121783
MP1-7205 (w/ UP Arrow) 10086001
Special LP / Text = 返回 10071301
Special LP / Text = 起动 10071299
Special LP/Text = 舱内灯 10103654
Special LP/Text = 舱外灯 10103655
Special LP/Text = 后变桨 10103662
Special LP/Text = 前变桨 10103666
Special LP/Text = 右偏航 10103669
Special LP/Text = 左偏航 10103672
Adaptor- for Pushbutton 10041228
K TR1-1003 380V / 6VAC 10037258
MA6-1060 (Plate Holder) 10057954
Nut (for modular range) 10071049
Special LP/Text = 安全系统 10103653
Special LP/Text = 电网连接 10103657
Special LP/Text = 风轮锁定 10103659
Special LP/Text = 脉冲测试 10103664
K TR1-1012 220V / 24VAC 10037262
K TR1-1014 440V / 24VAC 10037264
K TR1-2012 220V / 24VAC 10037270
KA1-8021(for Pushbutton) 10012290
Special LP / Text = 工作就绪 10071300
Legend plate, 1-seat, alu 10102348
Legend plate, 2-seat, alu 10102349
Legend plate, 3-seat, alu 10102350
Legend plate, 4-seat, alu 10102351
Legend plate, 6-seat, alu 10102352
KA1-8010(Protective Cover) 10041231
LEGEND PLATE (SK615562-87) 10083293
Plastic legend plate Fault 10114697
Legend Plate/H=39/TH=3/Stop 10035728
Plastic washer (21520357-3) 10078056
Legend plate, 1-seat, yellow 10102353
Legend Plate/H=39/TH=3/Start 10035727
MA6-1070 (Legend plate"O I") 10102995
Plastic legend plate Standby 10114696
Special LP/Text = 96°旁路限位开关 10103652
Insert / Text = 0 / 1 / START 10058908
Legend plate, 2-seat, yel/alu 10102354
Legend plate, 3-seat, yel/alu 10102355
Legend plate, 4-seats yel/alu 10102356
Legend plate, 6-seat, yel/alu 10102357
Insert / Text = EMERGENCY STOP 10057953
LEGEND PLATE for potentiometer 10111511
MA6-1080 (Insert text = 电缆室照明) 10065739
MP9-1151 (MP3-42G-10 w/ arrow) 10103036
MP9-1152 (MP3-42Y-10 w/ arrow) 10103037
MP9-1153 (MP3-42R-10 w/ arrow) 10103038
MP9-1154 (MP3-42W-10 w/ arrow) 10103039
Plastic legend plate Operation 10114695
Text Cap (ILLU. PB) - WHITE(I) 10038941
CEPY1-1004(CE4T-10R-01+CEPY1-0) 10103761
CEPY1-1005(CE4T-10R-10+CEPY1-0) 10103762
KA1-8121-L(Customer customize ) 10134151
Legend Plates with symbols: O I 10010864
MA1-8126 Membrane for double PB 10103458
Plastic insert marked with 手动加热 10103838
Plastic legend plate OPEN CLOSE 10108769
Text Cap(ILLU. PB) - Green (UP) 10079989
MA6-1039 Plastic legend plate Off 10113212
Text Cap (ILLU. PB) - WHITE ( O ) 10038940
Text Cap(ILLU. PB) - Green (DOWN) 10079990
Legend Plate 70mm (Yellow / Blank) 10078849
Legend Plates with symbols: I O II 10010865
MP1-7031 (MP1-10R marked with "O") 10096804
Plastic insert mark with"MAN AUTO" 10083771
CP9-1050 (CP9-1005 with metal bezel) 10095454
CP9-1051 (CP9-1020 with metal bezel) 10095455
MPD25-11C(Green+Green w/ Clear lens) 10096843
CP11-10W-20(CP1-10W-20 marked with I) 10103839
KTC1-9017 (White text cap with Arrow) 10111512
CP12-10G-20(CP1-10G-20 marked with II) 10103840
Left=HAND/Ctr=O/Right=AUTO (w/ Chinese) 10039511