Product Specification
Valid since: 10.11.2006
Product name/产品名称: 散可利 PA 30 Sokalan PA 30
PRD number : 30214970
Physical Form/物理形态: aqueous solution/水溶液
检验项目 指标 测试方法
Test item Specification Test method
含固量 43.0 - 47.0% ISO 3251,(0.25g,150°C,2h)
Concentration(dry content)
pH值 7.5 - 8.5 DIN 19268,10% dry
pH value substance in dist. water
APHA色值 max. 200 DIN EN 1557,23°C
Colour APHA
粘度 46 - 64 mPa.s Brookfield LVT,30% dry
Viscosity subst. In dist. water,
23°C, Spindle 1, 60rpm
残余丙烯酸单体 max. 0.050% HPLC
1. 品质和5040,N70等产品相似;
2. 固含量相比其他的分散剂稍高,故添加量可适量减少;
3. 由于其残余的丙烯酸单体较少,故气味较低;
4. 全部采用BASF的精酸生产,可完全保证其产品质量;
5. 可根据客户要求,对分子量、PH做适当的调整;
6. 主要在国内生产,所以可完全保证长期稳定的供货,且价格上有一定的优势。
Residual acrylic acid
The above information is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out a receiving inspection; neither do they imply assurance of suitability for a specific purpose.
上述信息是源于我们目前的知识和经验. 由于存在着众多影响工艺及应用的因素, 因此上述数据不 能作为免除相应的进货检验的依据; 同时, 上述数据也不含有对特殊用途的承诺.