详细介绍: Chen Chen 13686809120 QQ: 2506570476
Address: Shenzhen Baoan Xixiang Tianfuan LeZhuJiao Industrial Park West, two on the second floor
With the ink and printing substrates and other raw material prices continue to increase, the company's operating costs also will continue to increase, in the face of fierce market competition, enterprises can truly save production cost but also efficient production printing equipment will be users of the pro-gaze, has been committed to developing high-tech digital printing equipment Shenzhen, a step Printing Machinery Co., Ltd. has successfully launched a new generation of UV flatbed printing machine.
Matrox color generation UV flatbed printing machine advantages:
The latest technology
1 Matrox color generation UV flatbed printing machine uses the latest technology LED cold light source, no heat radiation.
(2) using the latest generation of Epson printhead, ink dot size intelligent distribution, with a higher than traditional UV machine printing accuracy, color printing accuracy up to 2882 * 1440DPI.
1. Saving. Matrox color generation UV flatbed printing machine can instantly light up without preheating, ready to use, printing without waiting. Quality servo screw guide system, dual four-color solutions, faster, let you in the fierce competition in the market to seize the initiative and win more business opportunities.
2 power. Compared to the traditional tribute lamp 3KW power consumption, Matrox color UV flatbed printing machine used by a new generation of LED lights power of 300W, power consumption is 80W, compared to traditional mercury UV flatbed printing machine of 10%, can save 90 % of capacity.
3 long life. Matrox color UV flatbed printing machine generation LED lighting has a powerful life. Domestic life of 300 hours average mercury, mercury imports to 1200 hours, while the Matrox color printing machine LED lamp life of this subsection is 25000-30000 hours. A new generation of color printing UV and waterproof, for outdoor work three to five years.
陈小姐:13686809120 QQ:2506570476
1.广告万能UV平板打印机多功能强大,可打印到各种不同质料 可以直接打印到金属,瓷砖,陶瓷,塑料,木质,石膏石,纸板等。
2.逼真的打印效果 彩印机使用经济而又优质的即打即干墨水,节省客户营运成本
3.平板彩印机质量稳定,无需额外保养 精密的设计,防止打印喷头堵塞灵活地调整打印平台和喷头之间的准确距离,打印更精确。
4.小投资,高附加值利润收益 操作简易,轻松完成高效率的打印订单数码冲印店增加经营范围,提高市场竞争力的最佳解决方案。
5.灵活的电脑连接方式 采用USB接口,可与PC或苹果电脑系统快速连接。
6、广告万能UV平板打印机是一种“与物体非接触”的喷墨印刷型高科技数码印制设备,可在任何材料表面进行彩色图案,印刷打样快,是一次印刷完成,用玻璃广告万能UV平板打印机可印制任何材质及不规则软、硬性物体,比如金属,陶瓷,水晶,玻璃,压克力,PVC,塑料,玩具,皮革,U盘,布料,木质,硅胶等。无论是简单的块色图案,全彩色图案或是具有过度色的图案都能一次印刷完成,无需制版、无需晒版和重复套色,色彩靓丽,效果逼真,图像防水,防晒,耐磨损附着力强 ,不褪色,机器操作简易、性能稳定,创造出比传统方式更高的印刷质量,完全满足各行业高强度的批量生产要求,从而显著提高你产品的市场竞争能力。
Shenzhen Mai Chong : strive to be "fine, strange, unique and comprehensive" glass wall digital printing experts in the field
????This year's show features the device can be used fine , extraordinary and special , all summarized in two words , which can in a sense be understood as innovation, new digital advertising universal UV flatbed printer , print it out of the glass can withstand powerful ultraviolet rays, and the use of imported UV ink printing can be integrated into the glass , never fade . Achieve a glass wall infinite visual appearance. Intelligent machines can print control , efficiency is very high . Digital technology is now moving to a very wide field of different levels and to penetrate this penetration, like before the glass has been focused on print advertising , and later began to expand the field of the same appliance glass print . We do not stop at the Glass Print this one field , but also including other materials printing , we have roots in many years , has been continuously penetrate into these markets go. UV inkjet printers in the country has gradually become a hot industry , manufacturers and end-users the rapid development trend . Across the country advertising equipment exhibition , exhibition of building materials , interior decoration exhibition and many other related exhibition , UV printing machine manufacturers and the increase is the best descrtption. In recent years , in the fierce competition in the market with its unique advantages inkjet tiles won more and more recognized by consumers, so the industry spread out " those who have inkjet tiles , pottery industry was the world ," said, so the companies have raised growth on producing ceramic inkjet printing machine of the wave.
陈晨 13686809120 QQ:2506570476