详细介绍: 裕兴R838钛白粉是我司经销的产自山东省济南市的经无机硅铝包膜,有机表面处理的金红石型通用级钛白颜料。它具有优良的光学特性,白度高,光泽度好,高消色力,高耐候性,分散性好等特点,适用于水性涂料、乳胶漆、粉末涂料、油墨等行业。
R838 rutile is a generic titanium dioxide prepared by the sulfuric acid method that is a non-toxic, chemically stable white powder treated with a silicon-aluminum coating and special organic solvents. After air-drying late in the production process, R838 has excellent dispersibility and a strong whiteness, brightness, glossiness, and good hiding power, achromatic power, as well as excellent weather-resistance and non-chalkiness.