采用全新直接驱动技术,将无框直驱电机的性能优点与全框直驱电机的安装便捷性结合,且价格明显低于传统的直接驱动产品。 CARTRIDGE DDR?电机经过CE和UL认证可在全球范围内使用,该电机采用预设组件,集成式工厂调整的高精度反馈设备以及独特的无轴承设计,可在30分钟内完成“安装和运行”操作 – 而对于现有的无框直接驱动系统来说,设计和集成时间可能需要数周,甚至数月。
更多产品信息请联系产品经理:黄章平 联系电话:18518556288(微信) QQ:992590032 邮箱:18518556288@163.com
CARTRIDGE DDR电机采用了先进的电磁设计,与相同体积的传统伺服电机相比,转矩密度提高了50%。 传统伺服系统通常包括许多机械传动组件,这些机械组件限制了整体性能和稳定性,并迫使这些系统的运行成本提高。 CARTRIDGE DDR电机消除了所有机械传动部件,具有如下特点:
50 至 510 N-m(67.8 lb-ft 至 692 lb-ft)连续转矩,可满足广泛的高动力应用要求
转速达 1500 rpm,可满足大多数中等转速/高转矩应用要求
额定功率从 2670 W 到 11700 W,可满足多数无框架电机的高功率要求
CARTRIDGE DDR具有节省空间的设计以及无框架 DDR 电机的性能优点,并具有框架电机的安装方便性
集成的正弦编码器反馈提供超过每转 200 万次计数的高分辨率
更多产品信息请联系产品经理:黄章平 联系电话:18518556288(微信) QQ:992590032 邮箱:18518556288@163.com
0.13 mm
0.038 mm
0.10 mm
0.051 mm
0.10 mm
0.051 mm
更多产品信息请联系产品经理:黄章平 联系电话:18518556288(微信) QQ:992590032 邮箱:18518556288@163.com
The ever-escalating demands of the marketplace mean increased
pressure on machine designers and users at every turn. Time constraints.
Demands for better performance. Having to think about the next-generation
machine even before the current one is built. While expectations are
enormous, budgets are not. Kollmorgen’s innovative motion solutions and
broad range of quality products help engineers not only overcome these
challenges but also build truly differentiated machines.
Because motion matters, it’s our focus. Motion can distinctly differentiate
a machine and deliver a marketplace advantage by improving its
performance. This translates to overall increased effi ciency on the factory
fl oor. Perfectly deployed machine motion can make your customer’s
machine more reliable and effi cient, enhance accuracy and improve
operator safety. Motion also represents endless possibilities for innovation.
We’ve always understood this potential, and thus have kept motion at our
core, relentlessly developing products that offer precision control of speed,
accuracy and position in machines that rely on complex motion.
Removing the Barriers of Design, Sourcing, and Time
At Kollmorgen, we know that OEM engineers can achieve
a lot more when obstacles aren’t in the way. So, we knock
them down in three important ways:
Integrating Standard and Custom Products
The optimal solution is often not clear-cut. Our application
expertise allows us to modify standard products or develop
totally custom solutions across our whole product portfolio so
that designs can take fl ight.
Providing Motion Solutions, Not Just Components
As companies reduce their supplier base and have less
engineering manpower, they need a total system supplier
with a wide range of integrated solutions. Kollmorgen is in
full response mode with complete solutions that combine
programming software, engineering services and best-in-class
motion components.
Global Footprint
With direct sales, engineering support, manufacturing facilities,
and distributors spanning the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and
Asia, we’re close to OEMs worldwide. Our proximity helps speed
delivery and lend support where and when they’re needed.
更多产品信息请联系产品经理:黄章平 联系电话:18518556288(微信) QQ:992590032 邮箱:18518556288@163.com