Heir-QF防霉抗菌膏 防霉抗菌膏能轻松清除产品表面霉斑,在表面形成抗菌保护层,从抑制细菌的生长 This product can clean the midldew spot , and bbbb the protective Layer on the surface so as to inhibi t the growth of bacteria. 防静电,强力去污,不上皮面,不留痕迹 Anti-static,strong deocntaminotion,no harm for leather surface, and no stain left 饱满的手感,增加产品的附加值 使用简单,随时随地轻松解决(已在国外)终端产品“霉”的问题 Simple operation, and effectively solve mi l dew problems, especially for foreign customers