阳离子是通过“化学键结+静电结合”的方式,永久绑定在包装表面,Dc.odorban阳离子防霉包装是长碳链结构,带正电荷,主动吸附带负荷的霉菌,像尖刀一样刺破细菌的细胞壁,破坏霉菌生长的食物链,使其无法繁殖,确保包装内的产品不会霉变。 Catian is bonded pernanenly on thepacking surface by chemical bonding and electro-static combination.Dc.odorban has long carbon chain structure with positive charge, which can attract mold and mildew with negative charge,andpierce into the cytoderm of the mould fungus can`t breed,so that the produts in the packing will not get mildewed anymore.